June 2012
American Courtesans – The Film
Yesterday my phone rang, and it was the director, his voice was excited.... ”We’ve done it, we’ve got ourselves a film”...”Not just any film, a feature documentary with content that [...]
May 2012
Hunter Morgan – American Courtesan #12
Exotic, captivating, and a Sex Kitten to say the least Hunter Morgan is mesmerizing. Retired now, she has moved to a small town in Northern California to try and find [...]
April 2012
Pearl Callahan – American Courtesan #11
A Chocolate Drop, A Midnight Blonde, Dynamite in a Small Package. Those are all adjectives that Pearl Callahan uses when describing herself, and they are right on..... She is a [...]
American Courtesan #10 – Hilary Holiday
A Minnesota girl and a hippie at heart, Hilary Holiday is stunningly beautiful. High cheek bones and a figure of a Femme fatale, Hilary could probably draw a crowd simply [...]
Gina in the Morning – American Courtesan #9
The “American Courtesan” project began on September 22, 2011, and it began with a single ad put on the internet to see if there were any other woman out there [...]
March 2012
Juliet Capulet – American Courtesan #8
In the beginning “American Courtesans” was nothing more than a series of questions loosely structured, and an idea to morph those questions into a film. However, there would be no [...]